2016 International Conference on

Informative and Cybernetics for Computational Social Systems

Paper submission:

  • Please prepare your paper according to the Template

  • And submit your Here: Submission.

  • Submission instruction

In order to submit a regular paper to ICCSS 2016, please follow the customary electronic submission process. Papers should be submitted through the conference website here, then you can upload your paper by following the instruction. If authors have problems in submission through the homepage, please feel free to contact the secretariat.

Tel: +853-65606105

E-mail: iccss.reg@gmail.com

Important Dates:

March 15, 2016 Full papers and organized session proposals

March 15, 2016 Proposals for tutorials and workshops

May 10, 2016 Notification of paper and session acceptance

June 10, 2016 Submission of final papers in IEEE PDF format

Submission Guidelines For the LaTex template you will also need to download the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Please make sure that you use the latest templates and do not change the formatting in any way. If you choose not to use these templates, please make sure that your paper strictly adheres to these formatting instructions. We strongly encourage you to use the available templates. All papers must be submitted in PDF format prepared strictly following the IEEE PDF Requirements. The standard page limit for each paper is 6 pages. Papers can exceed this limit up to only 8 Pages, at a cost of $100 extra per page. All papers accepted by IEEE ICARM 2016 will be indexed by EI and included in IEEE Explore. Extensions of selected papers will be published in a regular or a special issue of the journals of Science China: Information Science, and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, and Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. Direct Link to submission:
