Professor Philip Chen elected to be a member of Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe)

26 Sep 2018

In a congratulated letter, on September 20, 2018, from the President Sierd Cloetingh of the Academia Europaea (or Academy of Europe) issued to Prof Philip Chen, Chair Professor of the Computer and Information Science, FST, that Prof Chen has become a member of the Academia Europaea, approved by relevant Class Committee and the Board of Trustees. See .

The Academia Europaea was founded in 1988, on the initiative of the UK's Royal Society and other National Academies in Europe. Academia Europaea is the only Europe-wide Academy with individual membership (~4000) from Council of Europe states and other nations across the world. The Academia Europaea has 20 sections that cover Humanities, Social and Related Sciences, Exact Sciences, and Life Sciences. It is considered as one of the most influences scientific organizations in the world. Among its members, 72 are Nobel laureates, 15 are Fields Medal winners, and 6 are Turing Award winners.

Professor Philip Chen, a Chair Professor and the former Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, receives the membership recognized from his scholastic contributions in computational intelligence and systems and cybernetics and his strong research links with the European community. He is the editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, and an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. In his professional leadership, Dr. Chen was the IEEE SMC Society President from 2012 to 2013 and is now a Vice President of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). Academically, he is recognized as a Fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), IAPR (International Association for Pattern Recognition), CAA (Chinese association of automation), and HKIE (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers), and academician of IASCYS (The International Academy for Systems and Cybernetics).

2018年9月20日,歐洲科學院主席Sierd Cloetingh教授向陳俊龍教授致函表示祝賀宣布澳門大學 陳俊龍教授當選為歐洲科學院院士。院士候選人選拔過程嚴格,首先由來自不同國家的院士推薦到科學部,經學部初審後推薦到提名委員會進行通訊評審,最後由歐洲科學院的專門委員會審核通過。詳見 .

歐洲科學院(Academia Europaea或The Academy of Europe),全名稱歐洲人文和自然科學院,成立於1988年,其總部位於英國倫敦,是由歐洲35國科學部長倡導創立,並由英國皇家學會等代表歐洲國家最高學術水平的國家科學院共同發起成立的國際科學組織。科學院分20個學部,其學科領域涵蓋人文科學、社會科學、自然科學和科學技術等,是國際上跨地域和學術領域最廣泛、學術地位最高、影響最大的科學組織之一 。


陳俊龍, 澳門大學科技學院講座教授、我國自動化學會副理事長及會士、澳門科協副會長、科技學院前院長。陳教授是IEEE Fellow 院/會士、美國科學促進會AAAS Fellow 院/會士、國際模式識別學會IAPR Fellow院/會士、國際系統及控制論科學院 IASCYS 院士、及香港工程師學會 Fellow。陳教授現任 IEEE系統人機及智能學會的期刊主編,曾任該學會國際總主席。陳教授主要科研在智能係統與控制、計算智能、混合智能、及數據科學方向。