In-Memory Database Systems on Emerging Hardware: Our Ten Years’ Journey
Big data has become a buzz word. Among various big-data challenges, high performance is a must, not an option. We are facing the challenges (and also opportunities) at all levels ranging from sophisticated algorithms and procedures to mine the gold from massive data to high-performance computing (HPC) techniques and systems to get the useful data in time. In-memory database systems are a hot research topic to tame the performance challenges of big data applications. Our research has been on the novel design and implementation of in-memory database management systems on emerging hardware (many-core CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs etc). Interestingly, we have also observed the interplay between emerging hardware and in-memory database systems. In this talk, I will present our research efforts in the past 10 years and outline our research agenda. More details about our research can be found at
SpeakerProf. Bingsheng He | |
Date & Time23 Feb 2016 (Tuesday) 15:00 - 16:00 | |
VenueE11-4045 (University of Macau) | |
Organized byDepartment of Computer and Information Science |
Dr. Bingsheng He is currently an Associate Professor at School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Before that, he held a research position in the System Research group of Microsoft Research Asia (2008-2010), where his major research was building high performance cloud computing systems for Microsoft. He got the Bachelor degree in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (1999-2003), and the Ph.D. degree in Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (2003-2008). His current research interests include cloud computing, database systems and high performance computing. His papers are published in prestigious international journals (such as ACM TODS and IEEE TKDE/TPDS/TC) and proceedings (such as ACM SIGMOD, VLDB/PVLDB, ACM/IEEE SuperComputing, ACM HPDC, and ACM SoCC). He has been awarded with the IBM Ph.D. fellowship (2007-2008) and with NVIDIA Academic Partnership (2010-2011). Since 2010, he has (co-)chaired a number of international conferences and workshops, including IEEE CloudCom 2014/2015 and HardBD2016. He has served in editor board of international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IEEE TCC) and IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS).