Three international conferences in big data and artificial intelligence held in Macao

11 Apr 2019

The chair of the ICDE Steering Committee announces at the ICDE 2017 in San Diego, USA, that the ICDE 2019 will be held in Macao.
指導委員會主席在美國聖地牙哥宣佈ICDE 2019將移師澳門舉行

The University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology, the UM State Key Lab of Internet of Things for Smart City, and the Macao Convention and Exhibition Association, have successfully assisted Macao in obtaining the right to host the three most influential international conferences in the areas of big data and artificial intelligence, namely the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Conference on Data Engineering 2019 (ICDE 2019), the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2019 (PAKDD 2019), and the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019 (IJCAI 2019).

ICDE is one of the most influential conferences in the field of big data. Held in Macao from 8 April to 11 April, this year’s event attracted about 600 representatives from academia and industry from around the world. The other two conferences, namely PAKDD 2019 and IJCAI 2019, will be held in Macao from 14 April to 17 April, and from 10 August and 16 August, respectively. The latter event is expected to attract between 3,000 and 5,000 participants.

Lionel Ni, vice rector (academic affairs) of UM and chair professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science, says that Macao would not have been able to obtain the right to host these events without the support of the Macao SAR government and various sectors of society. He adds that the right to host these conferences is testament to the increasing quality of scientific research in Macao. Additionally, more and more papers written by UM scholars on big data and artificial intelligence have been accepted by international conferences.

澳門大學科技學院和智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室團隊與澳門會議展覽業協會及澳門會展旅遊業協會合作,成功為澳門爭取大數據、人工智能領域上最具影響力的三大國際會議的主辦權,分別為第35屆數據工程國際會議(ICDE 2019)、第23屆亞太知識發現與數據挖掘國際學術會議(PAKDD 2019)第及28屆國際人工智能聯合會議(IJCAI 2019)。


ICDE 2019為數據庫領域最具影響力的會議之一,於今個月8至11日在澳門召開,吸引約600名來自世界各地的學界和工業界代表參與;PAKDD 2019則於今個月14至17日在澳門舉行,兩個會議將有助推動澳門科技發展。IJCAI將於今年8月10至16日在澳門召開,是繼2013年在北京舉辦後,第二次在中國舉行,預計將吸引約3,000至5,000人出席。適逢2019年為IJCAI的50周年,除傳統的學術交流,亦增添很多人工智能的新元素,如會場採用機器進行註冊、茶歇及接待等工作,舉行阿里巴巴的智能設計比賽、機器人比賽、人機德州撲克比賽等。澳大團隊將組織澳門中學生參加人工智能設計比賽,培訓中學生掌握機器和學習編程技術,推動澳門人工智能技術的科普學習。
